
Dear Data Subject,

Alemanno & C. Srl International Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agency respect the privacy of Users. Personal data that may be communicated by the Subject through our website will be processed with utmost regard, applying all the security measures foreseen by the applicable laws for the protection of data privacy. We want to inform you that the “European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons, with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data” (from now on “GDPR”) stipulates that natural persons, as their fundamental right, are to be protected with regard to the processing of personal data. Therefore,  Alemanno & C. Srl International Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agency, in accordance with the article 13 of GDPR, provides you with the following information:

A. DATA CATEGORIES: Data subject to processing can include your personal data, such as:

  1. Automatically collected data. Information technologies and applications that ensure the proper functioning of this website will collect some data referable to natural persons, whose disclosure happens automatically by the use of Internet communication protocols. These data include IP addresses and domain names of the computers that are connected to this website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the method used to forward the request to the server, the file dimension included in the answer, the numeric code indicating the status of the answer from the server (successful, error, etc), and other parameters regarding the Operative System, the browser and the user’s computing environment, Internet service provider’s name (ISP), date and time of connection, entry page (referral) and exit page.
  2. Data disclosed voluntarily by the user. Voluntarily and explicitly sending e-mails to the addresses included in the pages of this website entails the automatic acquisition of the sender’s e-mail address and necessary data to reply to their requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. These data are to be considered as voluntarily disclosed by the user at the the moment they send the request of provision. Writing a comment, or forwarding any information, the user explicitly accepts the privacy information, with special regard to the disclosure of personal data to third parties. Conversely, specific and short information form will be shown by this website in specific pages reserved to service requests. Users will asked to explicitly approve the use of personal data included in these forms in order to forward their requests
  3. Cookies. This website does not use cookies.
  4. Plug-ins. This website does not embed plug-ins and/or link buttons to social medias.

B. DATA CONTROLLER: The Data Controller is Alemanno & C. Srl International Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agency, Via Roma, 31 – 57126 Livorno, VAT number 01040210492. You can reach us by phone at +39 0586 895 577 or by e-mail at

C. SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: All personal data held by the Controller are collected directly from the Subject.

D. PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS FOR PROCESSING: The processing of your personal data has the following purposes and legal basis:

    1. Automatically collected data: the legal basis is represented by the interest of the Data Controller and the purpose is to enhance the surfing experience on this website.
    2. Explicitly disclosed data: the legal basis is represented by your consent. Regarding the e-mails sent to our addresses, the purpose is to send replies to specific requests forwarded by the users. Regarding our forms, the purpose is stated in every information form.
    3. Cookies and plug-ins: see the cookies policy information

E. DATA RECPIENT: Within the purposes related to specific data collection, your personal data might be disclosed to a number of partners, consulting agencies, private companies, third-parties service providers, hosting providers, computer companies and communication agencies.

F.DISCLOSURE OF F.F.PERSONAL DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES: We do not envision disclosing your personal data to third countries.

G. STORAGE PERIOD: With due regard to the storage limitation principle defined in art.5 of GDPR, data obsolescence will be checked regularly. In particular:

  1. Automatically collected data will be processed, for the time strictly necessary, with the only purpose of extracting statistical information on the use and proper functioning of our website. Alternatively, they may be processed for security reasons and in any case within legal time constraints.
  2. Data voluntarily disclosed by the users will be stored for a period no longer than the time required for the achievement of the purposes for which they were initially collected, or within legal time constraints.

H. DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS: the Data Subject has, in any case and at any time, the right to ask the Controller the portability of their data, as well as to access, rectify or erase their data or to  change or withdraw its accessibility or processing. These and other rights are stated in the GDPR, and the Data Subject can assert them by communicating through any means with the Controller or addressing one of the supervisory authorities.

I. DATA DISCLOSURE OBLIGATION: Disclosing your personal data in compulsory to connect and surf our website, for the purposes mentioned in the sections D1 and D2, to allow us to properly provide you with our services. Giving consent for the purposes mentioned in the section D3 is, instead, optional and your refusal will not hinder the proper provision of our services.

J. DATA PROCESSING METHODS: Personal data provided by the Data Subject will be processed in accordance with the above mentioned laws and regulations, and with regard to the privacy obligations implied by the Data Controller initiative. Data will be processed through the use of information technologies, paper documents and any other suitable support (e.g cloud storage services, other digital storage systems) with due regard to adequate technical and organizational security measures, as foreseen by GDPR

K. UPDATING METHODS AND FINAL NOTES: This Policy is valid for this website only, and does not apply to other websites that the users may visit using the links included in this website. This Policy might be modified due to the introduction of new laws, so we invite our users to check periodically this page to keep up to date with the latest regulations. At any time you have the right to ask the processing Controller to see the previous versions of this Policy.